Latin America – Europe Symposium on Research Infrastructures
The RI-VIS Latin America – Europe Symposium will be held between Tuesday, June 15th and Thursday, June 17th 2021, as a virtual event. This event is organised in collaboration with the EU-LAC ResInfra project.
Welcome from the organisers
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Latin America-Europe Symposium on Research Infrastructures.
International cooperation in science and technology is an important part of addressing major global issues like climate change, infectious disease, food security, and natural disasters. Research infrastructures (RIs) are organisations that enable scientists to use specific facilities, resources, and expertise to enable and accelerate scientific achievements, overcome boundaries, train highly skilled specialists, and promote sustainable research. Fostering RI partnerships across borders has the potential to improve the efficiency and quality of research to tackle the many challenges faced by society today.
The virtual three-day symposium brings together delegates from Latin American and European research infrastructures (RIs), science policy organisations and research institutions to discuss opportunities and challenges for RI cooperations between Latin America and Europe.
We hope to raise awareness of individual RIs, to identify measures to mitigate current challenges of bi-regional cooperations between RIs, to initiate new and strengthening existing collaborations, and to initiate networks in a sustainable way so that all stakeholders benefit.
We invite all researchers who have an interest in learning more about research infrastructures and the research opportunities they offer to scientists. The participation in this event is for free, but registration is required.
This symposium is organised as part of the RI-VIS project, a Horizon 2020-funded project to increase the visibility and raise awareness of European RIs to new communities beyond Europe, and the EU-LAC ResInfra project, a Horizon 2020-funded project which strives towards a new EU-LAC partnership in Research Infrastructures.
We are looking forward to e-meeting you soon,
Latin America-Europe Symposium on Research Infrastructures organisers
Registration for this event is now open until 14th June 2021.
White Paper
Ahead of the symposium, the RI-VIS project has published the White Paper entitled “Recommendations towards cooperation between Latin American and European research infrastructures”. This White Paper collates the insights of experts from Latin American RIs, European RIs, and policymakers, highlighting examples of Latin American-European RI collaboration, best practices for successful collaboration, perceived challenges and bottlenecks, and from these presents a series of actionable recommendations.