The 2nd MIRRI/IS_MIRRI21 TNA Call closed on 31st May 2022.
There will be no further TNA Calls in the IS_MIRRI21 project.
In line with the positions of the European Commission and the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, MIRRI informs its user communities that, until further notice, requests for accessing resources/services provided by MIRRI partner organisations located in the Russian Federation will not be considered. Moreover, requests submitted to MIRRI by users based in the Russian Federation or in the Republic of Belarus for accessing resources/services provided by MIRRI and/or any of its partners organisations will also not be considered. MIRRI joins the voices of all who are calling for peace, mutual understanding and tolerance. MIRRI promotes scientific excellence beyond all national boundaries, but this is only possible in a context of peaceful cooperation banning all forms of violence.

The TNA programme aims at financially and logistically supporting the access (physical, remote and virtual) of external users to the IS_MIRRI21 partners’ research facilities across Europe to carry out their research projects.
The Transnational access includes:
- Technical and scientific support
- Administrative and logistic support
- Access to the products, services and facilities offered in the IS_MIRRI21 TNA catalogue
- Hands-on training needed to access the facilities
TNA funding does not include:
- Non-standard consumables
- Expenses required before or after the TNA visit
The TNA programme sponsors researchers’
- Access to the IS_MIRRI21 partners' installations (microbial resources, facilities, laboratiories, standard consumables, chemicals and disposables)
- Travel expenses (one round trip/person)
- Subsistence (meals and accommodation for up to 30 days, weekends included).
- Shipping costs of project materials from the IS_MIRRI21 partner’s facility to the home institutions.
Modality of access
The TNA programme provides three means of access: physical, remote, and virtual access.
Physical access can be defined as the hands-on access of any user, i.e., the users physically visit the Access Provider and use its laboratories and equipment.
Virtual access can be defined as any access through communication networks in which resources can be simultaneously accessed by an unlimited number of users. This is the typical case of the access to data and on-line applications.
Remote access can be defined as the non-physical access to the services of the Access Provider. There are two types of remote access:
- Set of experiments carried out at the Access Provider’s location, but the user is not physically present at the installations (e.g., sample analysis and processing).
- Shipping of microbial strains/biological materials, based on the users’ requests.
The Access Officer is the main contact person to discuss the details about the TNA application.
Access Officer
Adriana Chiarelli
TNA Results

MIRRI/IS_MIRRI21: 1st TNA call selected projects
- IDEACT – IDEntifying and prioritizing novel marine ACTinobacteria for drug discovery
Fortunato Palma Esposito (Italy)
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dhorn (SZN)
Access to Service/technology in the WF2 at NKUA & IP - USED – Unveiling the Secrets of Epizoic Diatoms: charismatic microflora as potencial bioactive compound producers
Roksana Majewska (South Africa)
North-West University South Africa
Access to Remote Service at INRAE - Guaialicy – Targeting vdc operon to assess guaiacol synthesis of Alicyclobacillus isolated from fruit juices
Agapi Doulgeraki (Greece)
Institute of Technology of Agricultural Products, ELGO-DEMETER
Access to On-site Service at IAFB - MAREX – MicroAlgae: a souRce to be EXplored
Assunta Saide (Italy)
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dhorn (SZN)
Access to Facility at ULPGC-BEA
MIRRI/IS_MIRRI21: 2nd TNA call selected projects
- MAGIC – Microalgae effects Against pathoGenIC bacteria and fungi
Chiara Lauritano (Italy)
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dhorn (SZN)
Access to Remote Service at UL-MSCL - ChileanWheatFungID – Polyphasic identification of fungal pathogens in Chilean wheat
Victor Manuel Ignacio Gallardo Muniz (Chile)
Universidad de La Frontera
Access to Facility at MUM-UMinho - SidMaRAct – Siderophores from Marine Rare Actinobacteria
Giovanni Andrea Vitale (Italy)
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dhorn (SZN)
Access to Product at UVEG-CECT - MAFBIO – Marine fungi for biotechnological purposes
Marina Carrasco-Acosta (Spain)
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
Access to On-site Service at MUT-UNITO - ESSACC4ALL – Improving, developing and expanding the Estela Sousa e Silva Algal Culture Collection
Carina Menezes (Portugal)
Estela Sousa e Silva Algae Culture Collection (ESSACC)
Access to Facility at BCCM-ULC - FungiArbunedo – Didymellaceae fungi isolated from Arbutus unedo L. fruits
Joana Domingues (Portugal)
Access to On-site Service at KNAW-WI - AMFdivCECT – Optimization of long-term AMF preservation procedures to broaden the species diversity at the CECT
Ana Igual Wöllstein (Spain)
Spanish Type Culture Collection (CECT)
Access to Facility at BCCM-MUCL

Thanks to the TNA grant and new insights into the properties of the epizoic diatom metabolites this collaboration has brought, mt colleagues and I were able to design an entirely new project that perfectly complemented out ongoing studies. TNA is a fantastic idea, and I am rooting for this programme to last.
Roksana Majewska
Post-doc at the North-West University South Africa, South Africa
Awardee in the MIRRI/IS_MIRRI21 1st TNA call

For me it was a great opportunity to amplify my network and to start a new collaboration. I think that the TNA programme is ideal for young researchers who want to amplify their skills and knowledge.
Assunta Saide
Post-doc at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy
Awardee in the MIRRI/IS_MIRRI21 1st TNA call

The Transnational Access call (TNA call) of Microbial Research Infrastructure (MIRRI) was a great opportunity. Beyond the gained results and knowledge, I believe that it was a great starting point for future collaboration.
Agapi Doulgeraki
Research Assistant at Institute of Technology of Agricultural Products, ELGO-DEMETER, Greece
Awardee in the MIRRI/IS_MIRRI21 1st TNA call

With the IS_MIRRI21 TNA programme, I had the chance to work with high-level scientists to further develop my research in marine biotechnology and the discovery of novel antibiotics from marine actinobacteria. I strongly believe in the Research Infrastructures work as they boost the career of young scientists and facilitate networking activities.
Fortunato Palma Esposito
Post-doc at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy
Awardee in the MIRRI/IS_MIRRI21 1st TNA call

This TNA project has been a great experience to develop each phase of the in vivo/in vitro culture of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the hands of experienced scientists and technical staff.
Ana Igual Wöllstein
Technician at Spanish Type Culture Collection (CECT), Spain
Awardee in the MIRRI/IS_MIRRI21 2nd TNA call

The IS_MIRRI21 Transnational Access program was an excellent opportunity to enhance my knowledge in the curation of the Estela Sousa e Silva Algal Culture Collection (ESSACC). The gained know-how was shared with my team and will continue to be applied in the cyanobacterial cultures constituting a long lasting benefit to the ESSACC.
Carina Menezes
PhD fellow at Estela Sousa e Silva Algae Culture Collection (ESSACC), Portugal
Awardee in the MIRRI/IS_MIRRI21 2nd TNA call

This professional experience provided me with the opportunity to expand my research and knowledge in the field of genetics and phylogeny in filamentous fungi. In addition to the results and knowledge acquired, I had the opportunity to meet renowned scientists with a lot of experience, and I believe that it was an important starting point for future collaborations.
Joana Domingues
Awardee in the MIRRI/IS_MIRRI21 2nd TNA call