MIRRI Flash Webinar on the 2nd Transnational Access (TNA) Call
In the framework of its Transnational Access (TNA) Programme, run under the IS_MIRRI21 project, MIRRI will be holding a webinar for researchers, startups and SMEs on why and how to apply to the 2nd TNA Call, which is open until 15 May 2022 and aims at providing free-of-charge access to a selection of high-quality microbial resources, services and facilities.
The live webinar will take place on 23 March 2022, between 11:30 and 12:30 CET. After a brief presentation outlining the goals of the IS_MIRRI21 TNA Programme, MIRRI’s Access Officer will explain everything potential applicants need to know about the call – eligibility criteria, application procedure, current TNA offer, modalities of access, etc. –, followed by a slot for Questions & Answers.
Registration in the webinar is free, yet mandatory. To register, please click here.
For information about the TNA Programme and the 2nd TNA Call, please visit MIRRI’s TNA Programme Platform here.