On 15 and 17 June 2021, MIRRI has organized, under the IS_MIRRI21 project, two information and matchmaking events dedicated to Horizon Europe opportunities and MIRRI membership. The online events were organized in connection with the RI-VIS Latin America – Europe Symposium on Research Infrastructures, and with the collaboration of PERIN – Portugal in Europe Research and Innovation Network.
The webinar “MIRRI Membership: Boosting research and innovation in Health, Agro-food, Environment and Energy” aimed to bring the added-value of MIRRI to light and to encourage international cooperation among Research Infrastructures in Europe and Latin America, as well as to briefly present funding opportunities that are available under the Horizon Europe Pillar 1 to facilitate that cooperation.

The workshop “International collaboration with MIRRI through new opportunities from the Horizon Europe programme” aimed to provide an overview of the opportunities presented in Horizon Europe Pillar 2 that correlate to the domains of MIRRI (Health & Food, Agro-Food, and Environment & Energy), to give an overview of MIRRI’s Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda 2021-2030, and to formulate synergies among different innovation actors in the above-mentioned domains with the aim of jointly pursuing relevant Horizon Europe calls.

A total of over 120 participants have attended to the events.