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General Services Catalogue

Services commonly provided by MIRRI’s partner organisations, e.g. supply, deposit or identification of microbial resources by gene sequencing, as wll as advanced services, e.g. genomics, screening of metabolites, phylogenetic analysis, consultancy, and up to 95 services. For workflows/pipelines of services, please consult the MIRRI’s Application-specific Service Catalogue.

*All images used are for illustrative purporses only

©CECT, University of Valencia

Supply of freeze-dried strains

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Supply of freeze-dried biological material.

You can consult the catalogue of MIRRI microbial resources here.


Service Category

Supply of microbial resources

Service Sub-Category

Supply of microbial resources

Service Sub-Category Description

Supply of microbial resources in different delivery forms or physiological conditions. You can consult the catalogue of MIRRI microbial resources here

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